

Allt starf leikskólans felur í sér viðamikið og samþætt nám, hvort sem það eru daglegar venjur, svo sem matartímar og klósettferðir, eða markvisst starf skipulagt af kennurum. Börn uppgötva og læra af öllu sem þau taka sér fyrir hendur bæði í leik sem og daglegu starf inni og úti, með stuðningi og hvatningu hinna fullorðnu og í samvinnu við önnur börn.

Samkvæmt Aðalnámskrá leikskóla (2011) eru námssvið leikskóla þessi:

  • Læsi og samskipti
  • Heilbrigði og vellíðan
  • Sjálfbærni og vísindi
  • Sköpun og menning

Daglegt starf mótast af þessum námssviðum, en í hverri stund dagsins tvinnast saman mörg námssvið í heilstætt nám.

Á hverjum degi er lagt upp úr að börnin hafi góðan tíma fyrir frjálsan leik, bæði inni og úti. Öll börn fara í hverri viku í tíma í a.m.k, samverustund, kubbaleikur, myndlist/sköpun og íþróttum. Þessa tíma eru þau í litlum hópum undir faglegri handleiðslu. Að auki fara börnin reglulega í vettvangsferðir í nærsamfélaginu, en nærumhverfi leikskólans býður upp á ótal skemmtilegar gönguleiðir.

Hér að neðan má sjá myndir af dagskipulagi hjá okkur.


The methods of teaching and development used at our Preschool are all related to holistic integrated learning, whether it is through our daily routine, including mealtime, toilet trips, or structured learning organized and lead by teachers/adults. Children learn from everything they do both in play and through structured learning both i within the classroom and out of doors, with the support and encouragement of teachers/adults and in collaboration with other children.

According to the National Curriculum Guide for Preschools (2011), the curriculum areas of preschool learning and devleopment are:

  • Literacy and communication
  • Health and well-being
  • Sustainability and science
  • Creativity and culture
Our daily routine is shaped ith opportunities for these areas of learning and development, Throughout all activities and all times of the day, the areas of learning and development intertwine into a holistic experience.

Every day, we make sure that the children have plenty of time for free play, both indoors and outdoors. Every week, all children have structured learning opportunties in circletime, block play, art/creative play, and gym class. Children are taken into small groups under professional guidance. In addition, there are regular field trips in the local community, as the surroundings here offer countless fun hiking trails and opportunties to explore!

(In the table all English words are in italic)

Dæmi um daglegt starf / Example of Daily Routine

Tími / Time Dagskrálið/ Activity
7:45 - 8:30 Mæting og rólegur leikur Arrival and relaxed playtime
8:30 - 9:15 Morunmatur og/eða rólegur leikur (börn ráða því sjálf)
Breakfast and/or relaxe play (children decide for themselves)
9:15 - 9:30 Morgunfund barna (samverustund) Chidlren's morning "meeting" (circletime)
9:30 - 10:15 (yngri/ younger)
9:30 - 10:30 (eldri / older)
Skipulögð hóparstarf Structured group activity time
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
Ávextastund Fruit time
10:30 - 11:00
10:45 - 11:30
Áframhaldandi hóparstarf eða útiveru/vettfangsferð
Continuance of samall group activity time or outside play/field trip
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00
Salernistími og samveru Toilet time and circle time
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
Hádegismatur Lunch time
12:00 - 14:00
Hvíld eftir þörfum barnsins / rólegur leikur eða útivera
Nap time and relaxed play / outside play according to the needs of the child
14:00 - 14:30 Yngri síðdegishressing / Younger children snacktime
Eldri samverustund / Older children circle time
14:30 - 14:50 Yngri Markviss málörvunarstund / Younger targeted language development time
Eldri síðdegishressing / Older children snacktime
14:50 - 15:15 Yngri Samverustund / Younger children circle time
Eldri Markviss málörvunarstund / Older targeted language development time
15:15 - 16:15 Frálsleikur og heimaferð Free play and departure time

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